Coldplay, a brand above good and evil

Those who know me, inside and outside TroianoBranding, know how much of a music fan I am. Of the 24 hours a day, I listen to music approximately 18 hours. I listen to it when I go to sleep, when I have breakfast, when I'm reading. Therefore, it is a pleasure to be able to talk about a band that has recently been on stage in our city of São Paulo: Coldplay.

Above Good and Evil is the title of this article, and perhaps a phrase that resonates with many people who listen to or know something about the group. Coldplay became a symbol, synonymous with joy and happiness, with jubilation. It became a brand, and not just any brand, a powerful, popular and, above all, long-lasting brand. They have a lot to teach us, those of us who work with Branding and everyone who is a music fan and passionate about the world of brands.

'Turn your magic on, Umi she'd say

Everything you want is a dream away

Under this pressure, under this weight

We are diamonds taking shape.'

These song lyrics “Adventure of a Lifetime” by Coldplay, offers us an understanding of how time, as well as the pressure that makes a diamond grow, helped the group solidify themselves in the industry after years of dedication and love to their fans. Love that is very much evident in the recent shows that Coldplay has been doing in São Paulo, despite the complications in the stadiums that received thousands of complaints from people of all ages. Mud, puddles, general disorganization, all of this could have disrupted the event and prevented fans from enjoying the moment of seeing their favorite band. But, as the title says, Coldplay, with their popularity, was above all these obstacles and made the ground shake, made people's hearts skip a beat.

Despite all the difficulties, the band knew how to take advantage of the opportunity and sold tickets to the point where there were none left. Sold out even in the hands of scalpers. But what makes Coldplay such a beloved and relevant brand in today's world? We summarize the following points, using our experience with Branding, to tell you more about this English band and brand that we love so much.

1. A very “consumable” (and strong) product

Coldplay has a long history, beginning its career in 1996 with founding members Chris Martin and Jonny Buckland. With the release of albums like “Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends”, “A Rush of Blood to the Head” e “A Head Full of Dreams”, Coldplay solidified themselves as one of the biggest bands in the world, breaking sales records and constantly placing at the top of the Billboard charts. These are brands like this, which have products so strong and consistent that they end up becoming people’s “favorite”. In addition to having songs that are easy to consume, such as “Live La Vida”, “Yellow” e “The Scientist” offering relatable lyrics and melodies that stir our emotions and playful instinct. A strong brand always starts with a good product and Coldplay has that in spades.

2. Charisma of the English frontman

There is nothing better than being in contact with a person and product that makes us happy and makes our lives better. As a frontman, Chris Martin has an undeniable charm and attracts thousands of fans around the world, of all age groups. In the recent shows he did in São Paulo, many of our acquaintances spoke of his friendliness and generosity. There were even moments when Chris thanked the public and stadium staff in Portuguese, squeezing out a “thank you” and “gratitude” with his English accent. In fact, Chris reminds us of another famous English frontman, Paul McCartney, who continues to win over fans with his music and charm. It's no surprise that many of the internationally renowned bands are English. These people know how to open up to the world, they know how to accept differences in others and extend a helping hand to others. It's a typical English custom, which I personally noticed living in London. Point for Chris Martin's charisma in building a strong brand, being a spokesperson who creates bonds of spontaneous and genuine way.

3. Supporting actors are also part of the show

A frontman like Chris Martin could very easily overshadow the rest of the band, who have their role within the group. But that doesn't happen, and instead of Coldplay being a “one man show”, the supporting actors are able to show themselves to us as musicians and performers who follow in the same vein as Chris. They are all friendly, charismatic, smiling and inspiring. They play their instruments with passion, as if their souls were intertwined romantically with the lyrics and melodies. They're not forcing themselves to be someone they're not, they're just following what comes most naturally to the Coldplay spirit. How many brands have we seen go down this path, intending to communicate and act in a way very different from their original style, just to please a certain audience. These brands lose sight of their Purpose and fall into many traps in the market. They should learn from Coldplay to stay true to themselves.

4. Outstanding live brand experience

Those who went to the band's show in São Paulo, like our analysts Júlia Shiomi, Mirella Tozetto and our director Cecília Russo Troiano, experienced the power and level of engagement that the band's performance provides. And we can go beyond the music, to talk about the show itself. From the bracelets that glow in the dark controlled by GPS, making an incredible look at night, to the sound system in the stadium, the band invites the public to get involved and become the fifth member, singing and dancing with the animation of all members. Júlia, Mirella and Cecília even say that there were parts where they asked everyone in the stadium to put away their cell phones to be present in the moment, experiencing the entire experience. Coldplay is a band that delivers a unique brand experience, where fans leave feeling moved, touched, and those who came together to watch, leave as new followers of the band. It's raining in the wet, but brand experience is fundamental to generating engagement with all our senses, and Coldplay delivers on this.

5. Coldplay remains active and philanthropic

We know many brands that live off their average reputational balance, that feed on their past. But, we know that it is those who continue to nurture their reputation that end up becoming even stronger and admired by the public. This is the case with Coldplay, which, in addition to producing and releasing new music, is always looking for new connections and opportunities to support charities and NGOs such as Amnesty International or Red Cross. This welcoming spirit at Coldplay can also be seen in their encouragement to improve the inclusion of people during the show who suffer from sensory disabilities. For example, offering sign language interpreters for deaf and hard of hearing guests so they can feel a stronger connection to the music. With all these initiatives, Coldplay becomes more than a band, becoming a brand that is concerned about its fans and everyone who comes into contact with its music, including the planet.

I remember other bands that I like that have that same welcoming style as Coldplay, like Metallica and the Rolling Stones, who are still active and touring all over the world. Perhaps the secret of these sets is the absolute respect for these 5 points of the text, resulting in unparalleled longevity. We greatly admire Coldplay, as a band, as an inspiration for our Branding work, and as a brand. We have a lot to learn from them. The shows in São Paulo were just a glimpse of the incredible work the band has been doing. We can be sure that, even when everything conspires against us, when we face challenging situations like those faced by those in the stadium in São Paulo with incessant rain, we will emerge as Coldplay fans, whether we are completing our 20th, 40th or 80th year of life. I say once again: Coldplay is joy, passion, happiness, it's the point we should have as a reference, with products and soul that make any artist and brand jealous!

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