Write down what you learned

Of all the content that passes through here, I separate it into two large drawers. 01. The drawer of things I found. 02. And the drawer of things I learned.

WordPress. Tumblr. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. Instagram. Kindle. Books. Spotify.
Which one is the best?
All? None?

It's not easy to follow and publish in all this.
I spend almost every waking hour searching for and/or publishing something (yeah, I know, but I like it).

Escreva o que você aprendeu. Student studying at night with notes and lamp on desk in a cozy room

And, as editor here at Update or Die, it is my obligation to pay attention to new platforms to decide where we should or should not be present.

For example, in the beginning it was a blog.
Then we became more of a website than a blog.
Twitter came and we opened ours.
Then Facebook, and we made our page.
Then we became uncomfortable using Facebook just to replicate posts and we started generating exclusive content there.
On Pinterest, all the cool images we have saved.
And on Tumblr, that old envy of the vapt-vupt publisher, much more enjoyable to use than the one on Wordpress.

Anyway, sometimes there are butterflies in our stomachs, thinking about where we are/should end up.
I've always said that Update or Die is much more than the platform it lands on: it's a philosophy of life.

If we find that Wordpress is no longer the best airport for our things, we will change.

But move where?
Are we going to open an account with every new and hyped tool that emerges?
Are blogs dying? Ah, here comes that argument again.
Are we going to migrate to a super page on Facebook for good? Or is he also Orkutizing (and the deal will be Google+)?
Or are we going to open a bookstore and turn 100% offline and only share face to face, during afternoon tea?
Or a school for children?

Unfortunately I don't know the answer.
But I keep asking!

But, one thing I know.
Of all the content that passes by us, I separate it into two large drawers.

01. The drawer of things I found.
02. And the drawer of things I learned.

The first requires practice.
Requires training.
The more you do, the better you get.
Knowing how to find, what to find, where to find it, what is good, what is bad.
For better or worse, that's what we're all doing, from the building doorman to the president of the republic. We are all content curators and pointers of cool things.

The second is a skill.
Requires experience. Professional and personal.
The more it is mixed with things that were already inside the head and heart, the better.
You need to have lived. It requires a certain wisdom, a certain poetry, a certain look.
And for better or worse, that's what few are doing.
I never instructed updaters on how to write a post, but I repeat a phrase I read and adopted last year: when you write, stop, breathe and ask yourself:

“What did I learn after I found this?”


The findings are the same for everyone.
You think the same things as your brother-in-law.
But the difference you can make in the world is to share what happened after that discovery got into your head and mixed with what was inside. The things you researched and related, the calls you made, the stories you remembered. The little lamps that came on.

Therefore, this whole speech (long, sorry) is just out of a desire to share this concern with you, who must be feeling the same thing.
And second, so you know what type of content (and intention) you will find on each of these platforms where we will be with the Update or Die brand.

We will publish what we learned on the website. Elsewhere, what we found (and what we learned, whenever possible, even if in a telegraphic version)

Today, when you write anything, don't just say what you think. Tell us what YOU LEARNED.

Richard Feynman also thinks it's little to find out the name of something. Learning about her is much cooler.

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