AI error in advertising: Washington Lottery app generates naked image of customer

Nem sempre dá certo, como fica claro nesse bizarro Erro de IA na publicidade da Loteria do Estado de Washington

Nem sempre dá certo, como fica claro nesse bizarro Erro de IA na publicidade da Loteria do Estado de Washington criou um site/aplicativo chamado “Test Drive a Win” para ajudar os visitantes a visualizar diferentes “férias dos sonhos”, que poderiam ser pagas com os eventuais ganhos de um bilhete premiado.

Qual foi o Erro de IA na publicidade?

The visitor uploaded a photo of their face through the app and the AI ​​generated an image of them, in a “dream vacation” situation.

But what happened? That:

Erro de IA na publicidade

The app ended up applying the face of a 50-year-old mother to the body of a half-naked woman, sitting on a bed with her breasts exposed.

The calm lady said that what she described on the app as her dream vacation was “swimming with sharks”.

The background of the AI-generated image appears to show the bed inside some kind of aquarium, with fish (wrong again).

Person using computer mouse with Washington's Lottery logo in view indicating online lottery participation or search.

This happened because the AI ​​uses random real images of people on vacation as a base.

It is a grotesque, basic and very easy error to avoid in programming. But with the popularization of AI tools, the human factor creates these disasters. The blame always goes to the tool, but you can be sure it is a human error.

Web App taken down

Captura de Tela 2024 04 05 as 06.51.11

Este incidente do Loteria de Washington levou a Washington State Lottery to take the web application offline, highlighting the challenges and ethical considerations involved in using AI technologies, especially those capable of generating visual content involving real people.

We heard about it earlier this week. Once we did, we asked the developers to check all the platform parameters and feel comfortable with the settings, but after more internal discussions today, we chose to take the site down as a precaution, as we don't do so. I want something like this supposed event to happen again.

O caso chama a atenção para como a technologyThe case draws attention to how technology, especially artificial intelligence, needs to be used carefully. And like the humans involved in development, they also need to be chosen carefully. The guy takes a LinkedIn AI course and has seen it, right? Although the idea of ​​what the winners' dream vacation could be like was interesting, the situation ended up showing that AI does not always understand the context correctly, resulting in embarrassing and questionable situations regarding privacy and digital security. But again, it can be avoided in programming. In fact, exposed breasts are usually a “big NO”, by default in generative AI tools, I don’t even know how it happened. But happens.

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