“A King’s Tale”, AI in favor of Storytelling

An experiment with AI, proposed by the Corridor Crew team

AI is only written about, literally. The news is in all the posts and screens of creative and curious people. Even here at UoD we can create an AI content thread. I think it's great.

Experimentation is the current hashtag in this field. Until then embedded in digital transformation processes in companies that could and can pay for it, at the moment, AI as a tool has reached the democratization of access, as Canva did and still does. Okay, I may be exaggerating, but I see this as the path.

Agencies and studios are already working with the tool, image banks are already indignant and artists are already wasting their time – and they are indignant too :)

By putting together the sentence above, we have the staff of Corridor Crew. Already known experts who “experiment” with technologies in favor of visual storytelling. It's not their first experiment with AI, but this time they proposed applicability in pre-scripts, Storyboards noodles (ready in 3 minutes)... we don't need to dwell on names yet.

Watch the experiment:

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