The incredible Tippi Degré from Africa


Post escapism, from our high-tech hype world.

This one in the photos is little Tippi Degré.
Tippi is the daughter of a couple of French National Geographic photographers, Alain Degré and Sylvie Robert.
He was born and raised in Namibia, his parents' main work base.
As there were no children around, he ended up making friends with those who were in his large backyard: a 28-year-old elephant named Abu, a leopard named J&B, an ostrich, a crocodile, some lions, giraffes, a baby zebra, snakes, a gepard, giant frogs, chameleons and whoever else wanted to appear in front of you.

A little tarzã, mogli version of a little girl.

Tippi is also considered a Indigo child, a term used to describe a generation of special children with more refined social skills, greater sensitivity and empathy and, according to some, a more evolved being. His hyperactivity is yet another characteristic.
What it is or isn't I don't know, but it certainly is special. People who close their eyes.

And lucky for us, with parents capable of making beautiful records.






tippitodayCom 13 anos, Tippi se mudou com os pais para Paris e foi matriculada na escola. Depois de 2 anos, precisou ser educada em casa, por ter “pouca coisa em comum” com as outras crianças. Com 16 anos foi convidada a volatr a Africa com o Discovery Channel para uma série de 6 documentários.
Today Tippi is 23 years old and studies cinema at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University.

La Niña de La Selva

Le Monde Selon Tippi (1997) 54 minutes

Vale a pena comprar o livro “My Book of Africa” (tem na Amazon e também em versão para Kindle iPhone/iPad here). It's exciting.

(TKS Jacqueline de Sá)

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