Kittl Infinite Canvas. In addition to surpassing Canva, now more similar to Figma

Explore unlimited possibilities with Kittl Infinite Canvas, the design tool that expands your creativity. Create without limits!

If you've wanted freedom and flexibility in visual creation, your wait is over. The digital design tool Kittl atendeu ao chamado dos usuários e integrou o aclamado recurso Kittl Infinite Canvas em sua plataforma online robusta. Um verdadeiro marco que redefine os limites da criatividade, fazendo com que o seu processo criativo ganhe asas e transcenda as barreiras do tradicional. Descubra um universo onde o espaço para criar é tão vasto quanto sua imaginação, e onde cada projeto se torna uma obra prima facilitada por recursos revolucionários.

Get ready to take your design to new heights with Kittl Infinite Canvas. Dive into this journey with us and transform the chaos of managing multiple files into a harmonious symphony of efficiency and innovation. Try it now and see how this feature will make a difference in your design career.

What Is Infinite Canvas and Why It’s Important

Kittl Infinite Canvas

The evolution of design tools has taken us to new horizons where visual creation is increasingly immersive and unlimited. One of these innovations is the Infinite Canvas, or infinite canvas, a concept that has revolutionized the way designers think and execute their projects. This feature, available on modern design platforms, expands the workspace allowing you to handle multiple visual elements in a continuous, expansive space. Here, you can explore, without hindrance, the vastness of your creativity.

Imagine a work surface where barriers are removed and creative possibilities become as big as your ideas. With the infinite screen, this scenario is more than a promise, it is a tangible reality.

Not just a matter of space, Infinite Canvas is essential for optimizing workflow, reducing time and resources, and significantly improving user experience. Projects that previously required multiple files and fragmented navigation are now consolidated into a single cohesive interface, reducing complexity and centralizing the focus on creation.

  • Managing multiple pages in a single file
  • Simplified access to different parts of the project simultaneously
  • Reduced confusion and cognitive overload during the design process
  • Improved efficiency in large-scale projects such as brand guidelines and multichannel campaigns

Understanding the functionality of Infinite Canvas and its relevance in the field of design is crucial so that you, as a creative, can get the most out of this powerful resource. Make use of this infinite canvas It means adopting a more integrated and dynamic approach at all stages of your projects, ensuring more cohesive and impactful results. It's not just a way of creating; It is a new philosophy in the experience and expression of design.

Transforme Seu Fluxo de Trabalho com o Kittl Infinite Canvas

Have you ever felt restricted by the limitations of a digital desktop? As Kittl Infinite Canvas, these barriers have been eliminated, providing a space where your creativity knows no boundaries. Imagine a design environment where you can manipulate a multitude of artboards as easily as you would change a slide in a presentation. This not only makes the more efficient design, but also boosts the technical quality of your projects.

The possibilities provided by these advanced features are unlimited. You can move, resize, or even duplicate artboards effortlessly. What if you need to share multiple artboards at once? Infinite Canvas enables simultaneous export, saving time and ensuring visual coherence is maintained.

As Kittl Infinite Canvas, the control is in your hands: rearrange your digital workspace to reflect your personal and unique creative process.

  • Move and rearrange artboards with free movement
  • Duplicate artboards for quick design replication
  • Delete unnecessary artboards in one click
  • Use templates and integrate new artboards to expand your projects
  • Export multiple artboards efficiently and consistently

Invest in a workflow that not only tracks, but also contributes to elevating your creative potential. All of this, of course, through an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, a trademark of Kittl. The tool that is more than just software – it is a powerful ally in transforming your ideas into striking visual reality.

Unlimited SpacePossibility to expand concepts and designs.
Artboard FlexibilityGreater control and management of multiple pages.
Simultaneous ExportEfficiency in the final delivery of projects.
Template IntegrationVisual uniformity and speed of execution.
Individualized ContentFocus on specific details without losing the overall context.

Introduction to Infinite Canvas

  1. Creating artboards
    Simply open a project, select the Artboard tool in the top left corner of the screen, and drag across the canvas to create a new artboard.
  2. Adding Elements
    Add elements, photos or templates by dragging them to the artboard, where they will be automatically cropped.
  3. Exporting your work
    Easily download single or multiple artboards.

Other tips

  1. Moving artboards
    To reposition an artboard in your project, simply click the artboard title and drag it to the desired location.
  2. Changing artboard titles
    Renaming an artboard is simple: double-click the artboard title.
  3. Deleting artboards
    To remove an artboard from your project, click to select its title and press the backspace key.
  4. Copy or duplicate artboards
    Para copiar uma prancheta, clique com o botão direito no título da prancheta e use copiar [cmd+c] e colar [cmd+v] ou selecione uma prancheta e use a tecla arrastar+alt para duplicar.
  5. Copy artboard between projects
    To copy an artboard between project files, open both projects as individual browser tabs. Copy the artboard, open the other project tab and position it.

The end result

Infinite Canvas is more than just a feature; It is a significant advancement in the field of graphic design. By reducing time spent on organizational tasks and offering a platform for creative experimentation, it not only increases productivity but also opens up new avenues for creative expression. Whether you're an experienced designer or a beginner, Infinite Canvas is a tool that promises to transform the way you approach design projects


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