Find out what the 5 main consumer rights are

In celebration of Consumer Day, an expert highlights the importance of raising awareness about consumer rights.

Consumer Day, celebrated on March 15th, not only marks an occasion for offers and discounts, but is also a time to remember consumer rights, which are guaranteed by law and must be protected in all buying and selling interactions. . 

Consumers play a vital role in the marketplace, driving demand and influencing business practices. However, for this relationship to be balanced and fair, it is essential that they are aware of their rights.

“The right to compensation for damages is equally important. Consumers must have recourse available if something goes wrong with a product or service so that they can receive fair compensation for harm or loss suffered.”

Michel Cury, lawyer and Executive Director of Rocket Lawyer

To help with buying and selling interactions, we have listed the five most important consumer rights in the world. consumer.

The 5 most important consumer rights

01. Right to information: 

consumer rights

Every consumer has the fundamental right to receive clear, accurate and complete information about the products and services they are purchasing. This includes details on prices, features, delivery times and payment terms. Consumers should feel empowered to make informed decisions.

02. Right to safety and quality: 

Consumers have the right to purchase products and services that meet quality and safety standards. Any defective product or inadequate service must be promptly replaced or refunded in accordance with warranty policies and applicable laws. If there is no identical product available for replacement, the customer is entitled to another product of the same quality as the one purchased.

03. Right to privacy and data protection: 

In an increasingly digital world, it is essential that consumers have their personal data protected. Companies are responsible for ensuring consumer privacy and must obtain explicit consent before collecting, using, or sharing personal information.

04. Right to non-discrimination: 

consumer rights

All consumers have the right to be treated equally and fairly, regardless of their origin, gender, race, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic. Discrimination in any form is unacceptable and must be actively combated and this is part of consumer rights.

05. Rights related to advertising: 

Consumers have the right to receive accurate and non-misleading advertising information. Companies cannot make false claims about their products or services, and must comply with advertising regulations.


  1. How can I file a complaint if my consumer rights have been violated?
    • Seek to resolve the problem directly with the supplier. If there is no solution, register a complaint with Procon in your state or use the platform. In more serious cases, you can go to court.
  2. Is there a deadline for canceling purchases made online or over the phone?
    • Yes, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the purchase within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of the product or conclusion of the contract, guaranteed by the right to regret.
  3. What are the consumer's rights in relation to defective products?
    • The consumer can request a replacement of the product, an immediate refund of the amount paid or a proportional reduction in the price. For non-durable products, the deadline for complaints is 30 days; for durable, 90 days.
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